Saturday, May 1, 2021

Textual Questions-Answers (SEE) English

This brief solution is for SEE Appearing students who have been highly impacted from coronavirus. All the textual questions from Compulsory English are mentioned in this site. Here, you can click the unit to read the answers of the questions for respective units. This material is only for self-study.

Unit-1: A World Guide to Good Manners: How not to Behave Badly

Unit-2: Using a Single Language Is Better Than Multiple Languages

Unit-3: The Ant and the Grasshopper

Unit-4: Memoirs of My Visit to France

Unit-5: A Letter to Kunsang

Unit-5: Reading-II Movie Review: “2012” is a Perfect Disaster

Unit-6: Did I Miss Anything?

Unit-6: Reading- II Achham




Thank You !


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