Friday, February 12, 2021

Uses of Tense (Simple Tips)


Active Grammar: Tense

Tense is a linguistic concept. It denotes a verb form used to express a time relation. A tense of a verb indicates the time of an action. In English there are three tenses and twelve aspects of the tenses.

Each three tenses has four aspects.

Study the following table and find the common things among the tenses.






Perfect continuous


write/ writes

has/ have written

am/is/are writing

has /have been writing



had written

was/were writing

had been writing


will write

will have written

will be writing

will have been writing



have + -en

be + -ing

have + -en, be + -ing



Present simple and present continuous

Simple Present

§  To describe events that are scheduled (by nature or people)

The conference starts at 6:30 A.M.

School opens at 10 o’clock in Nepal.

The sun rises in the east in the morning.

§  To express general timeless truth.

Two  plus two becomes four.

Tigers never eat grass.

§  To describe events that are factual or habitual

I smoke a lot.

She never takes drink.

It rains a lot in Portland.

§  To express future when a scheduled events is involved, usually with a future time table.

I have a meeting next Sunday.

The train leaves at 10 P.M tomorrow.

§  To say how often we do things

How often do you go to dentist in a year?

Kalpana does not drink tea very often.

§  To present state or condition.

She is very tired today.

He is ill now.

It’s hot today.

§  Verbs like love, hate, want, need, prefer, know, realize, mean , believe, contain, consist, sound, believe, seem, see, hear, smell, taste, etc. come in simple present tense.

I’m thirsty.   I want something to drink.

She loves music.

§  Time adverbs like always, never, seldom, nowadays, rarely, usually, daily, hardly, occasionally, rarely, sometimes, often, normally, etc. are used in simple present tense.

She always wears a black cap.

Sometimes, I get bored.

I usually ride a bus.


Present Continuous Tense

§  To tell incomplete actions which are happening at the time of speaking.

She is attending a meeting now.

They are playing football.

§  To express a temporary situation.

Sita is living with her bother.

The river is flowing fast today.

§  To express future plan with future time adverbs.

They are coming next week.

She is visiting Kathmandu tomorrow.

§  Time adverbs like now, today, still, at present, at the movement, look! , listen !, see !, this week, right now etc. are generally used in present continuous tense.

Listen ! Someone is crying.

I’m on holiday. I’m not working this week.


Past simple and past continuous

Simple Past Tense

§  For the definite single complete event/action in the past.

Ram visited prime minister last week.

Sita got a letter from Hari.

§  For habitual or repeated action/event in the past.

It snowed almost every weekend last winter.

§  For an event with duration that applied in the past.

Professor Krishna Shrestha taught at PMC for 30 years.

§  In conditional sentence type -2

If I were a bird,  I would fly.

§  To describe someone’s life

Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Laxmi Prasad Devkota  was born in 1964 B.S. He lived from 1964 to 2016 B.S. He started  composing poem at the age of 12 and wrote  so many poems , essays , dramas etc. He was  only 52 years old when he died.

Here, was, lived, started, wrote and died are past tense.

 yesterday. ago, last, those days, in the past, 1980 , in the past time etc are the time adverbs for past tense.

Past Continuous Tense

a) For an action in progress at a specific point of time in the past.

He was playing at 10: 30 yesterday.

When I came home, my child was playing.

b) For the repetition of some ongoing past action

Sita was laughing all night long.

c) When and while can come with this tense.

I fell down while I was climbing a ladder.

When I fell down, I was climbing a ladder.


Present perfect simple and Present Perfect Continuous

Present perfect simple

§  To tell the events that happened in the past but still present there effectively.

I have lost my key. (not found still)

She has cut her finger.

§  To give new information / reflect happening.

The police have arrested three men.

§  To tell the experience and achievement of someone’s life.

She has written three books.

I have been to many countries.

§  To tell incomplete action of present time.

I have not climbed Mt. Everest.

She has not published a book.

§  Just, already, yet, lately, recently, up to now, within the last two month, etc. time adverbs are used in this tense.

I don’t take anything?  I’ve just had lunch.

Ram is 40 years old. He has not married yet.


Present Perfect Continuous

§  To state something that changes overtime.

The students have been getting better and better.

§  For actions repeated over a period of time.

He has been playing for years.

§  For actions which is still going on from the past.

He has been teaching English for ten years.

§  For an evaluative comment on something observed over time triggered by current evidence.

You have been drinking again!

§  Time adverbs: All day, for years. Since 1990, how long?, the whole week, etc. are used in this tense.


Past Perfect simple and Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect simple

a) For an action completed in the past prior to some other past event or time.

Ram had already gone before I came in the party.

They had already eaten all the mangos when I saw them.

b) In conditional sentence type -3.

If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.

c) In a clause, after a verb reporting speech or thought,

She said, “I did not see him.”

She said that she hadn’t seen him.

d) In a relative clause to give more background information about a noun.

The house, which had been sold two times in five years, was worth two million.


Past Perfect Continuous

a) for an ongoing past action or state that becomes satisfied by some other event.

I had been trying to see that play, so I was pleased when I won the ticket.

b) For an action or habit taking place over a period of time in the past prior to some other past event or time.

My brother had been studying hard, so I told him to take rest for a few days.


Simple Future Tense

a) For an action taking place at some definite future time.

Sita will go to Canada next month.

b) For the future habitual action or state.

After May, Ram will take first period every day.

c) For a situation that will obtain in the future but with some future termination.

Kedar will live in America until he improves his English.

d) In conditional sentence type one in main clause.

If she doesn’t study, she will fail in the exam.


Future Continuous Tense

a) For an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.

She will be working at 9 A.M tomorrow.

Don’t phone me between 8 and 9. We’ll be having dinner then.

b) To ask about somebody’s plans

Will you be passing the post office when you are out?

c) For the duration of some specific future action.

Sujana will be working on her thesis for the next two years.


Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense is used for the action that will be finished at a certain time in the future.

Tomorrow, by Monday, in a week, etc are used to indicate the time of future time.

a) For a future action that will be completed prior to a specific future time.

I shall have finished my writing by next month.

They will have written an essay by next week.

b) For a state or accomplishment that will be completed in the future prior to some other future time or event.

At the end of the winter, the Chapagains will have been married for five years.

c) With adverbs

Sita will not have stayed in Kathmandu in the next decade.

We will have reached the moon by next May.

All the sources of petrol will have been finished by 2030 A.D.


 Contracts in tense

a) Simple past and present perfect

Simple past is used for completed work whereas present perfect is used for completed work, with an effect at now.

Present perfect: I have done a lot of work today. (Not finished)

Simple past: I did a lot of work yesterday. (Finished)


Present continuous and present simple

Present continuous is for continuous work at the time of speaking but present simple is for true, repeated events.

The water is boiling. (Now, the condition of water)

The water boils in 100° C. (Always, nature of water)

He is being selfish. (He was not selfish but now he has changed and being selfish.)

He is selfish. (He is always selfish, it is his nature.)


Future continuous and future perfect tense

Future continuous tense is for the action which will be continuously running and the action will be in the middle of doing in a specific point of time but future perfect tense will be for the completed work before a particular future point of time.

This time , next week, I’ll be working in the field.

This time next week. I’ll have gone in work.



 A Underline the correct option.

1.     Ice melts / is melting above 00

2.     Have you got an umbrella? It starts/is starting to rain.

3.     Gabriela looks lovely today-she wears / is wearing her new dress.

4.     Paul’s daughter lives in Spain- he visits / is visiting her two or three times a year.

5.     There goes / is going Maggie, on her way to work, I suppose.

6.     Don’t worry, I promise / am promising I won’t tell anyone your secret.

7.     This carpet gets / is getting very dirty- maybe we should wash it.

8.     That’s great tennis from Thompson as he hits / is hitting another winning shot into the corner!

B. Complete the sentences, using the present simple or present continuous form of the verb given.

1.     always go

a. Sue and I always go to the cinema on Thursdays.

b. I saw Mary in the travel agent’s this afternoon- she’s always going on holiday!

2.     play

a. Giovanni …. plays…….football for a local team.

b. Anthony …is playing………in goal today because our normal goalkeeper in injured.

3.     Have

a. I …am having… lunch at the moment. Can I phone you back in half an hour ?

b. The hotel …has………..14 double rooms, all with bathrooms.

4.     Wonder

a. We ……are wonder…….whether we should buy a birthday present for Lucie.

b. I ……wonder…….. what time the next train is.

5.     come

a. Look-here …comes………the bus, at last!

b. More and more people …are coming…… live here these days.

6.     (you) think

a. You look worried-what…are you thinking………. About?

b. Why …do you think…Jim is so happy today? Is it his birthday or something?

7.     Stand

a. St Thomas’s Tower  stands………at the entrance to the harbor.

b. A strange woman …is standing…….. outside the house. Do you know her?

8.     work

a. It’s 8.30 on a hot July evening. Gordon Stevens……is working………late in his office, when suddenly.

b. These tablets …work….better if you take them with food.


C.  Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I .understand a little Italian, but I can’t speak it. ( understand)

2. My cousins…usually go……….skiing nearly every  winter. ( usually go)

3. Here……comes……..Michelle. Maybe she wants to talk to me. (come )

4. I invited Jill to the party- she…is looking forward……to it. (look forward)

5. ……Do you know…..what time the bank opens?  ( you know)

6. This bed ……measure..180 centimeters by   210 centimeters-I think it’s too big. ( measure)

7. A:What …are you doing……………?

    B : My homework. Don’t interrupt me. ( do )

8. I just heard Wendy’s news- she   is expecting……..a baby. ( expect )

9. The first thing to do is  to peel the potatoes. Then you…boil………….. them in salted water for   about 20 minutes. ( boil )

10. And at the line ….Powell…wins… in  9.64 seconds- a new personal best! ( win )


D. Underline the correct option. Sometimes both options are possible.

1. The police arrested three men who robbed /   were bobbing a bank in the High Street.

2. They planned / were planning to get up early,  but they overslept.

3. I saw Jon in the park today- he read / was  reading a book.

4. When she ate/ was eating her sandwich, the  sun came out.

5. After the film finished / was finishing, I turned   the TV off and went to bed.

6. Vanessa’s really shy because everyone constantly criticized / was constantly criticizing her when she was a child.

7. Do you like my watch ? My life gave / was giving it to me for my birthday.

8. My sister’s really happy- she passed / was  passing all her exams.


E. Complete the sentences with the past simple Or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.          1. Did you see that film on TV last night ? ( you / see )

2. A: What was that terrible noise last night ?

    B: Sorry, it was me. I … was practicing………my singing, ( practice )

3. I …was lying………….in the bath last night when  suddenly there was a loud bang in the kitchen.   ( lie )

4. James …came…… visit me every single day when I was in hospital. ( came )

5. A: How was the game ?

    B: Terrible! We …lost..6-0. ( lose )

6. After he …retired…………, my dad took up golf as    a bobby. ( retire )

7. I ..was thinking,.. why don’t you come  round for dinner at the weekend ? ( think )

8 The kids ..were still sleeping……when I left for   work this morning. ( still / sleep )

9 A: What happened to you ? Did you cut  yourself ?

   B: Yes, when I ……was working……… the  garden this morning. ( work )

10. Simon got a job in a factory when he     ……left……school last year. ( leave )


 F. Choose the correct option.

1. The average temperature in Europe has  increased by more than 1.50c………….

a. since 1900             b. from 1900-2005.

2. Half the world’s tropical rainforest disappeared ………………….. between 1960 and 1990.

A. between 1960           B. since 1960.

3. Flooding has been a serious problem in many  parts of the UK………..

A.  in 2007.    B. in the last few years.

4. In Australia, dry weather has caused a big increase ;in the number of forest fires…..

a. in 2000                     b. since 2000

5. The levels of carbon dioxide produced by   human activity rose by 30%………………….

a. between 1800 and 2000    b. since 1800

6. Extreme weather events have become more frequent………………

a. recently.   b last year.

7. In the Arctic, the area covered by ice has    fallen by nearly 10% every ten years………………..

a. for the last fifty year. B. fifty years ago.

8. Climate change became a major political issue……………….

a. for the last 20 years.    B. in the last century.


G Tick option a ( if  only the present perfect Simple is possible ) or option b (if both present  perfect simple and continuous are possible ).


1. You can’t have any more sweets ……….two     already.

a. you’ve had  b. You’ve had / You’ve been   having.

2. How many times………….you? Don’t cross     the road without looking!

a. have I told      b. have I told / have I been   telling

3.  ………….a curry-can you smell it ?

a. Mum’s made  b. Mum’s made / Mum’s  been making.

4.  Katie just phoned from the hospital-……..     her arm!

a. She’s already appeared  b. She’s already been  appearing

5 …………..a lot of headaches recently.

a. I’ve had   b. I’ve been having

6. Inflation ………..gradually since this time last year.

a. has gone up b. has been going up

7. My father ……….spicy food ever since he was a child.

a. has hated b. has been hating

9 ………….the news? Jo’s pregnant!

a. Have you heard b. Have you been hearing

10 Look at that! ………such a beautiful view.

a.I’ve never seen b. I’ve never been seeing


H. Underline the correct option.

1.     The party almost finished / had almost finished by the time we arrived.

2.     As soon as I saw her, I knew I met / had met the woman I wanted to marry.

3.     After he bought his ticket he sat down / had sat down to wait for the train to arrive.

4.     The police arrived quickly, but it was too late-the robbers went / had gone.

5.     Latimer just shut / had just shut the door when she realized her key was inside.

6.     When she got paid, Julie realized that her boss gave / had given her a pay rise.

7.     Sorry, I didn’t catch that- what did you say / had you said ?

8.     We were very excited to meet again because we didn’t see / hadn’t seen each other for five years.


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